Thursday, May 29, 2008

Abilene Reporter News

It was humorous to see so many posts by several readers attempting to insult me on the Abilene Reporter News websit. I invited them to this blog but so far they have refused. The reason is, they cannot hide behind a screen name. It's funny how brave some can be when they don't have to reveal their identity. It is clear to see these three people are either employees or have some connection with Abilene Regional Medical Center. They are well aware there are major problems with Abilene Regional Medical Center and are on edge about what will happen in the future. The good news is, with their attempts at insulting me, it brings more attention to this cause. After all, they were posting about me on a news story about 150 windmill jobs coming to Abilene. Keep up the good work guys.


The State of Texas has a medical malpractice cap of $250,000. This protects physicians from lawsuits which the ARMC physicians were quick to inform us. However, it will not stop us. It IS possible.

This is a quote from a local newspaper:
"An influx of doctors clamoring to practice in Texas because of a new malpractice lawsuit cap has inundated the state's licensing boards and created a backlog of applicants who wait for months before they begin practicing."

Is this safe for Texas and its patients?

Medical Errors and Mistakes
44,000 - 98,000
Number of deaths attributed to medical errors and malpractice.

We need to change this law for our safety.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Abilene Regional Medical Center


"Patient Care & Safety ConcernsAbilene Regional Medical Center wishes to promote open communication regarding your hospital experience. We encourage you to speak with the respective Department Director to voice complaints or concerns or to ask questions. You may contact our main hospital switchboard at 325/428-1000, dial “0” and ask to be transferred to the director of the particular unit you wish to speak with. You may also email any concerns."

ARMC CEO Mike Murphy: I am requesting you remove this from your website. This is false advertising at its worst. You and your staff have ignored our phone calls and requests to speak to you and those responsible for the fatal mistakes that were made at your hospital which resulted in a death. We also paid over $1,000.00 for our mother's medical records and were treated like dirt during the entire time the copies were being made. After witnessing other families experience the same treatment, we stood in line to talk to your administrative secretary. Once again we were told it would be taken care of and we would be contacted. WE WEREN'T.
Could it be you don't want the criminal history of this person made known to the public???? tells the story.
We will not allow you to continue to ignore the problems you have with your hospital and total lack of compassion toward your patients.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Abilene Regional CEO, Did you ignore this complaint also???

Name withheld:
This was the closest hospital to my city that performed this surgery. (90 miles away.)
The med surg/bariatric floor were very neglectful.
The anesthialogist gave me morphine before he asked if I could take it and my respirations dropped so low that I had to be put on a c-pap respirator for 24 hours and placed in ICU for 9 hours. Then I was transfered to a telemetry floor where the staff was attentive. After they removed the c-pap machine I was moved to the med surg/bariatric floor and was ignored. I never got anyone to assist me to the bathroom, I had to jump out of the bed to go and could not climb back in because it was so high. I sat and waited more than 45 minutes to be returned to bed each time. My beeping IV was ignored till it infiltrated twice. I even called the operator and asked her to call for assistance since the staff had not come for over one hour, but still no one came. I would not let them restart it the second time it infiltrated. No one ever asked if I was having pain, no one ever did I&O, no one ever asked if I tolerated the fluids, no one ever asked if I was throwing up, which I did, no one came to help me clean up after I threw up, and I heard the night staff talking and joking across the hall at the nurses station and next door in the nurses lounge. I would not recommend this hospital to anyone. I have taken a note to the DON and the Administrator in hopes that they may change things.

Procrit story continues:

Was the drug needed, or was it the money. Our mother's chart was clearly marked and she had told the doctors and nurses she did NOT want the drug again. After all, she almost lost her life on May 25, 2007 after the violent reaction after receiving the injection.
After coming through all of this, over the next several weeks she participated in physical therapy and there was talk of discharging her from the hospital. However, on July 2nd, we received a phone call she was back in CCU. When my sister and I arrived, we soon learned she had received the procrit injection AGAIN. A short while later she was rushed back to CCU. When I asked the CCU physician why she had received the PROCRIT injection again, he yelled in my face in front of my family, other families, and nurses. He stated, "You can hire all the attorneys and lawyers you want. It won't do any good." I was distraught and now had to put up with a CCU PHYSICIAN yelling at me in front of everyone. There had been no talk of lawsuits on our part. We had JUST arrived at the hospital. An employee of the hospital witnessed this and took us to the Administration office. We were not given truthful information at that time as well.
We attempted to leave Abilene Regional Medical Center and transfer our mother to Hendrick Hospital in Abilene. Of all things, we were told we couldn't. One of the department heads stated, "There are politics between the two hospitals and it wouldn't be wise to transfer to Hendricks."
That is when one of the physicians entered the CCU room and began talking lawsuits again. Not the same CCU physician who yelled in front of everyone. ANOTHER ARMC PHYSICIAN.
This physician went on to talk about how hard it is to win a lawsuit against physicians and it would be a waste of time. He even stated his own mother died of the same problems our mother had. It would later be learned that his mother is ALIVE and well. This may sound like a made up story but I promise these are facts. Not made up.
After what seemed like weeks, we finally were allowed to transfer her to a hospital in Dallas. However, oddly enough, she went unresponsive the night before. There are other details but I will hold off on that at this time.
I continued to receive phone calls from the physician and even had two more face to face visits with him and he continued to talk about lawsuits.
There is more to this story and will be shared later.


One of the emails I received is from an elderly female in California. She has cancer and was receiving the anemia drug, Procrit, as was my mother. After the first injection, she immediately went into cardiac arrest. The physician said her heart was severely damaged. This lady stated the doctors have not given her long to live.
When is this drug going to be banned? The physician that was injecting our mother with this drug was getting almost $2,000.00 per injection. That was weekly. How much do you believe this doctor is making per day, per month, per year, by using this drug? Also, how many patients do not NEED this drug but receiving it anyway. If any of you are receiving this drug or know someone who is, please watch for side effects. Google the dangers of procrit and other anemia drugs.

Sunday, May 25, 2008


I continue to receive emails from patients and families who have had problems with Abilene Regional Medical Center. Hopefully we can work together and force the hospital to make changes that will benefit and assure patients are receiving quality care.
I would like to respond to the critics that responded to my posts on the Abilene Reporter News website. Just alittle over one year ago, I was like you. I hated to hear the news when someone was filing a lawsuit for one reason or another. I hated lawyers and believed I would never have a reason to hire one. Believe me, things change. Some of you accused me of making false claims and filing an absurd lawsuit. I don't want to give out too many more details of this case at this time, but let me inform you, we have medical records as well as an AUTOPSY to verify all of these facts. As I have stated over and over, all ARMC and the physicians had to do was talk to us. They refused. The circumstances of the case are very suspicious and will be investigated. In addition, the other families we have talked to have suffered similiar experiences. I do not believe this is something we can forget about and go on.

Physician owned hospitals

I believe it is very important to get the news out about the physician owned hospitals and the dangers they impose on the public. As I mentioned before, the widow of Steve Spivey (West Texas Hospital victim) is testifying in the State of Florida to keep these hospitals from opening in that state. From reading these reports and testimony, the physicians want to open these hospitals to make more money for them while providing minimal patient care.
Once again, the three congressmen who helped closed West Texas Hospital are from out of state. Where are our own congressmen and what position do they take on this issue? I have written emails and sent faxes to them requesting they share their positions on this issue. I would like for everyone to do the same. I personally believe physicians and hospitals are getting by with too much as the general public believes they don't have a right to ask questions.

Abilene Reporter News

It appears the Abilene Reporter News finally gave in to the complaints of ARMC and removed the blog. Funny thing about Abilene, the city gets involved and irate over a Cracker Barrel sign being too tall or a billboard stating, "Get your bed ready, Myrtles coming", but they are silent on the problems with local healthcare.
I do want to thank the Abilene Reporter News for allowing the public to comment on stories they publish.
After a year of silence from Abilene Regional, and failure to respond to my phone calls and letters, the attorney for the owners of ARMC contacted me and claimed to be working on scheduling a meeting to talk with them. I don't believe this would have happened if it hadn't been for the comments posted on the Reporter News website.

Monday, May 19, 2008


How much does the public know about the now closed West Texas Hospital? What about the 32 physicians that had ownership in the hospital? Of course the local Abilene media did not attempt to dig and get the real story. The congressmen that finally came in and closed the hospital before more patients died were from out of state. Our own wonderful congressmen from the state of Texas failed to touch it. Of course our own State Rep. Susan King's husband may be one of the doctors involved, so of course there was no action or talk there.
There are pending lawsuits against West Texas Hospital and the physicians involved due to the death of a patient at West Texas Hospital. You can read a story on the death at the hospital by googling West Texas Hosptil/New York Times.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Abilene Hospital

The purpose of this blog is to inform and warn the public of the actions and conduct of the staff and several physicians of an Abilene Hospital.

It started on May 25, 2007 when my mother was airlifted to the Abilene Hospital from Sweetwater, Texas after a reaction to an anemic drug she was given earlier in the day from an Abilene Physician. She arrived at the Abilene Hospital and the CCU physician in charge that night, lifted her head and told my sister and I, "She is already gone." He pointed a small flashlight into her eyes and then let her head fall violently back onto the pillow. Over night, her condition improved and she was moved to a private room. She told the physicians and nurses not to give her the drug again. The drug is called PROCRIT. The physicians and nurses acknowledged her request and her chart was marked clearly, " NO PROCRIT."
Over the next several weeks, her condition improved and she was preparing to be discharged. On June 28, 2007, for whatever reason, the Doctor ordered and she received another PROCRIT injection. She was rushed back to CCU and never recovered. When she entered CCU, my sister and I asked the CCU physician why she was given another injection of the drug. The physician became almost violent, getting within a few inches of my face and yelling, "YOU CAN HIRE ALL THE ATTORNEYS AND LAWYERS YOU WANT. IT WON'T DO ANY GOOD." An employee of the hospital witnessed this and escorted my sister and I to the adminsitration office to file a complaint. We were told there would be a meeting and something would be done. A month or so went by and we heard nothing. We contacted the Administration office again and we were told our complaint does not fall under the requirements for filing a complaint on a physician. If that was the case, why weren't we notified?
Our mother spent the next several weeks in CCU and we attempted to transfer her to another hospital in Abilene but our request was denied. The hospitals excuse was, "There are alot of politics involved between the two hospitals and it wouldn't be in your best interest to transfer across town."
To make matters worse, the infectious disease physician walked into our mother's CCU room and attempted to talk us into NOT filing a lawsuit. Keep in mind, our family had NEVER mentioned a lawsuit. Our only concern was the health of our mother. This same physician made telephone calls to family members attempting to talk to anyone that would listen, out of filing a lawsuit.
More to come.......

About Me

Abilene, Texas, United States
My name is Gary Reed and I live in Abilene, Texas. In 2007, my mother was in Abilene Regional Medical Center. She and her family had repeatedly instructed the physicians and hospital staff NOT to give a specific drug (procrit)to her as it was the cause of her being there in the first place. However, she was injected with the drug again, sent to CCU, and never recovered. Since then, I have met with numerous other families who have reported similiar experiences with Abilene Regional Medical Center. For one year, I have attempted to dicuss this with ARMC staff and physicians and they have refused. I have also spoken with the attorney for the hospital in Houston, Texas. He admitted there were problems at the hospital and they would be contacting me soon to discuss these issues. It never happened. I will share as much information as possible here. Some I will not share at this time. If you or someone you know has experienced problems with this hospital, please contact me at: